
2024-2025本科目录| 20253


所有学士学位的要求(B.A., B.F.A., B.S., B.A.S.)

1. 奖学金

  • 普通奖学金-最低累计2.00(“c”)gpa. 有些项目需要更高的gpa. 请参阅相应的目录部分.
  • 主要领域-最少2个.25 GPA - the major field includes all courses taken at 贝米吉州立大学 in the area of study. 一些专业要求更高的gpa. 请参阅相应的目录部分.
  • 次要字段-最少2个.00平均绩点. 一些未成年人需要更高的gpa. 请参阅相应的目录部分.

2. 毕业计划表格 should be submitted to the 记录 Office for approval two (2) semesters before graduation. 

3. 所有财务义务, 不完整的成绩, or other course problems must be cleared by the end of the last semester before graduation. 

4. 本系主修或副修课程的部门批准.  

5. Successful completion of one-hundred twenty (120) semester credits minimum for all B.A., B.F.A., B.S.B。.A.S学位,(选择专业,最少136学分). Note: No credits from courses numbered 0800-0899 may be used to fulfill graduation 需求. A maximum of four (4) credits from courses numbered 0900-0999 may be used to fulfill graduation 需求.  

6. A minimum of forty (40) semester credits at the 3000 level or above must be completed through four-year degree-granting institutions.  

7. Thirty (30) residence semester credits must be completed through 贝米吉州立大学.  

8. 转学生:本专业至少三分之一的学分, 小 and/or certificate must be successfully completed at 贝米吉州立大学.  一些未成年人, and/or certificates require more than one-third of the credits be completed at 贝米吉州立大学.

9. Students are encouraged to discuss with their advisor the option of a second major, 小, 或者可能加强或补充他们专业的重点领域.  

10. 多个凭证:  还有其他专业吗?, 小 or certificate in a degree must be significantly different from the majors and any other 小s or certificates in the degree.  Unless stated otherwise in the catalog significantly different means at least six credits of course work that is not used to meet the 需求 of any other single major, 小, 或者学位证书. 

该政策将于2022年春季生效.  The prior version of this policy also remains in effect as an option through Fall 2023.  The prior version is only used if a student graduating during this transition period (Spring 22 – Fall 23) does not meet the 需求 under the new policy but does meet the 需求 under the prior version of the policy.

11. 对于任何学位课程, 完成一个专业, 小 or a certificate in the same discipline (as determined by the department and college) is not permitted.

12. 核心课程要求或完成明尼苏达转学课程.  

13. Contact the major department for specific information on screening criteria for entry into the major program.

14. Nisidotaading Course requirement | All new and readmitted undergraduate students admitted fall 2024 or later must complete a minimum of three credits from the approved nisidotading课程要求 list.


1. Sixty (60) semester credits minimum, meeting all Core Curriculum 需求 plus electives. All transfer students must complete a minimum of one semester at 贝米吉州立大学. In addition, twenty (20) semester credits must be completed at 贝米吉州立大学.  

2. 至少2.00(“c”)gpa.


Students are encouraged to pursue more than one major to enhance their educational background. A student completing two or more majors with different degree designations will be awarded the degree associated with the primary major. 然而,如果其中一个专业是在一个专业教学领域,B.S. 授予学位. 毕业 planning forms must be filed in the 记录 and 登记 Office for all majors.


完成两个或两个以上不同学位指定专业的学生(B.A., B.F.A., B.S.,或B.A.S. only) who wishes both degrees will be required to complete at least thirty (30) additional semester credits beyond the first degree.

一个一个.A. degree will not be awarded simultaneously with or subsequent to a four-year degree.

A student who holds a baccalaureate degree from another regionally accredited institution may earn an additional baccalaureate degree from 贝米吉州立大学 by completing all of the course 需求 for that degree with at least thirty (30) additional semester credits in residence at 贝米吉州立大学.


Students working toward an associate or baccalaureate degree may elect to fulfill degree 需求 as outlined in any one catalog in effect during the dates of registration for resident credit at 贝米吉州立大学. Students who have not attended the University for more than five (5) consecutive years prior to re-enrolling must meet all degree 需求 as outlined in the catalog in effect at the date of their re-enrollment or any subsequent catalog in effect during their dates of registration for University credit. Students admitted to the University directly from a Minnesota community college may, provided not more than two (2) consecutive semesters have elapsed since their attendance at the community college, elect to fulfill degree 需求 as outlined in any BSU catalog in effect during their dates of attendance at the Minnesota community college, or any subsequent catalog in effect during their dates of registration at 贝米吉州立大学. 本规定不适用于国家教师执照要求.

Students should decide as early as possible which catalog is to be used in meeting degree 需求, 并遵循其中列出的课程.