The study of mathematics is grounded in 解决问题 and includes the ability to think in a certain, 组织的方式. 它是许多学科和职业的基础, 包括计算机技术, 商业和社会科学.


This emphasis prepares students to successfully complete a series of exams required to become an actuary. Successful graduates are highly sought by large public and private companies, 特别是在银行业, 信贷保险业. 课程 in this program are listed in the Society of Actuaries directory of VEE courses.

有关本课程的更多信息, 访问课程目录.


The applied emphasis focuses on mathematics and 统计数据 in connection with sciences, 技术, 工业与商业. This emphasis is an excellent choice for students pursuing a double major or planning to pursue graduate studies in applied mathematics or 统计数据.

有关本课程的更多信息, 访问课程目录.


The general emphasis provides a balance of 统计数据 and theoretical and applied mathematics for students interested in pursuing graduate studies or a career in mathematical research, 高校教学, 在工业或政府部门工作.

有关本课程的更多信息, 访问课程目录.


Mathemathics majors from Bemidji State go on to do some incredible things with their degrees.

罗素Dahlke“我是拉塞尔·达克. 我于2014年毕业于北京州立大学,主修数学和经济学双学位. 后,, 我就读于马斯特里赫特大学, 为计量经济学和运筹学的研究生课程. 回到美国后, I spent 5 years working at BSU in Enrollment Management and Institutional Research (IR), most recently as interim Assistant Director of IR where I helped start the “We are Listening” student surveys.

目前, I’m a research associate for the 明尼苏达州 college and university system focusing primarily on the state’s career and technical education programs. 目前, I’m helping develop the state performance metrics and methodologies for our upcoming 4 year state plan which involves extensive use of descriptive and inferential 统计数据. 新冠肺炎疫情后的时期给这方面带来了独特的挑战, such as how to best make upwards forecasts on time series that are trending downwards in order to meet legislative requirements.

最后, 我要感谢波士顿州立大学所有优秀的教师, many of whom I credit to helping me achieve my career and life goals. I’m extremely grateful for their mentorship and the opportunity to work with them while I was working at BSU.”

罗素Dahlke, 数学与经济学专业,研究助理-明尼苏达州立学院和大学系统

校友在旅行者保险公司精算实习之后, I instead started at Intact Insurance Specialty Solutions (previously OneBeacon Insurance Group) in the Statistical Reporting group within Finance shortly after graduating, 一年半后进入精算部门, 从那以后,我就在这里过得很开心! I spent 3 years on the pricing Actuarial team working with Commercial Auto coverage, 去年我一直在精算预备队, where I help with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) reporting (due to being part of an international company!), 并预留给我们的一些业务部门, 包括我们的娱乐部门, 谁为很多大牌电影投保了, 音乐艺术家, 还有你可能听说过的名人!

作为一名数学和会计专业的毕业生, being an actuary is the perfect career for me; it’s a perfect way to use mathematical skills and thinking in a business context, 正如我们用来将历史数据投射到价格上的许多技术一样 & 保险准备金是基于概率的 & 统计数据. 取决于你的角色, there can also be a decent amount of coding involved in a number of different programming languages such as SQL, VBA & R, so it’s great for people interested in computer science and data science! It’s also great for those who value continual learning and professional development, as the professional actuarial exams continue to develop your knowledge past college while also boosting your career, 在考试之外, insurance is an ever-changing field with new risks to understand and account for.”

—Brent Hanson 数学 and Accounting Major Actuarial Supervisor – Intact Insurance Specialty Solutions

校友“我是亚伦·特朗特, a 2017 graduate from BSU with a double major in Exercise Science and Applied 数学. After my undergraduate degree at Bemidji I went on to the University of South Dakota where I graduated with my PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2022. 在我在美元工作期间, 我的研究重点是运动生物力学, the study of human movement and how it pertains to injury mechanisms and performance of athletes, 特别是在高尔夫球和棒球投球人群中. In February of 2023, I was hired by the Chicago White Sox as a Biomechanist. With the White Sox I primarily use biomechanics data from our motion capture labs as well as in-game data to identify biomechanical trends related to injury risk as well as ways to improve performance on the field for both our pitchers and hitters. 我和教练们密切合作, 表现的员工, and players to communicate findings and develop long-term plans for success on the field.
在我的工作中有大量的数学和数学思维. 考虑到我正在使用的数据集, I utilize various statistical methods to build models related to performance and/or injury risk, 根据物理原理来确定物体是如何运动的, and use plenty of calculus and linear algebra to calculate the various metrics we analyze on a daily basis.”

—Aron Trunt, Applied 数学 and Exercise Science Major, Biomechanist – Chicago White Sox

校友“I graduated in the spring of 2018 with a double major in mathematics and finance.
在2017年秋天, I interviewed and was offered a job on the Optum Insight Finance team starting in May of 2018. Optum Insight is a healthcare 技术 company, underneath the United 健康Group umbrella. 我们专注于提供数据和分析, 研究与咨询, 技术, 以及医疗保健行业的托管服务解决方案. Focusing on payers, providers, governments, and life science companies.
经过五年的努力,我成为了一名财务经理. 我的最新角色, focuses on providing operational leaders with financial data and analytics around their workforce to help drive operational efficiencies and help them make informed decisions.
以每天为基础, 我最常使用的是数学建模, 解决问题, 运用逻辑. 主要使用微软Excel, logic is the basis for creating good modeling to do scenario testing. 此外,解决问题几乎总是嵌入我的工作.”

对库尔茨, 数学金融专业, 财务经理- Optum Insight财务团队(United 健康Group)